woensdag 25 mei 2011

Cooking with kids at FLOW this Sunday

Last months' Cooking with Kids was a great event, we hope we can live up to that one this Sunday.
We still have some spots left for kids who would like to learn a bit more about a restaurant kitchen.
During brunch the kids will cook the brunchmenu for their parents together with our chef and kitchencrew! So make your reservations now!

donderdag 12 mei 2011

This Sunday at FLOW

Again a Sunday activity for the kids! This week follow the adventures of the donkey, the rooster, the cat and the dog in Bremen. An original fairytale read by miss Sylvie.
The kids on the terrace, and the parents can enjoy a great lunch at FLOW..

woensdag 11 mei 2011

YanMe: the footage

Remember our post from a while ago? When we had Yantv filming at FLOW?
Well, we finally received some footage from their broadcast.
We are very happy with the result! Enjoy!

donderdag 5 mei 2011

High School Musical Dance, this Sunday at FLOW

All kids: Come and dance with Dancenter this Sunday Brunch!

We also changed our Sunday Brunch concept, it is possible to order a set menu (prices from 195.000 for 2 courses), or you can enjoy dishes a la carte.

The workshop starts at 1 pm sharp!