maandag 28 februari 2011

Cooking with kids@FLOW: the pictures

Yesterday during our Sunday Brunch, the kids were in charge!
Together with our chef and his crew, they cooked the dishes for their parents.
First wash your hands..

After a papadum with healthy veggies

Difficult to make

But when finished, they are very proud!

To the tables..
And then, very exciting..

BBQ chicken, it smells great!

Add a little sauce..
And the chicken goes on to the plates..

Finally dessert!
The kids can be as creative as they want with the mangosauce..

Tadaa!!!! The desserts are ready to go!
Cooking with kids at FLOW is a returning event, once a month 10 children have the chance to learn from the pro's and cook for their parents. Next event will be in March, stay tuned for the date!

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